TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3
TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3

TIMEMORE Manual Coffee Grinder Chestnut S3

Špeciálna cena€169,00

  • K dispozícii na doručenie do Európy


  • [ TIMEMORE New Flagship S3 Manual Coffee Grinder ] The S3 hand coffee grinder upgraded to full metal unibody, features the new S2C890 steel burrs for greater grind uniformity, which ensures that the beans are consistently ground quickly for optimal flavor
  • [ External Point-to-Point Precision Digital Adjustment ] Hand coffee Grinder 0.015mm/grid ultra-fine adjustment, capable of expresso required high-precision adjustment, point-to-point precision digital adjustment, no need to count the grid scale accurate to 0.1 grid, to meet the espresso, mocha, pour-over, French press a variety of appliances required for the coarseness of the grind
  • [ Patented S2C890 Burrs ] Upgraded from our S2C Burrs, these new burrs maintain the high uniformity of grinding while further enhancing the flavor of the coffee. They bring out a cleaner and sweeter taste.
  • [ Customized High-Precision Bearing ] S3 Coffee Bean Grinder Customized high-precision bearings increase precision by 20%, S3 customized bearings compared to standard bearings, the tolerance of the original 7 microns is now reduced to 5um, dimensional stability (consistency) increased by 100%
  • [ Foldable Handle ] Chestnut S3 coffee grinder is designed with a unique patented spring-assisted handle, which when folded down against the body, prevents the grinder from being tipped over and makes it easy to store anywhere from your countertop to your suitcase.

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Zákaznícke recenzie

Na základe 30 recenzií
97 %
Riccardo Sirica
Úžasné veci

Milujte mlynček tak veľmi!

Ľudovít MM
Výnimočná brúska!

Timemore Chestnut S3 je výnimočný mlynček po všetkých stránkach! Kvalita materiálov a konštrukcie je skvelá a počas prevádzky pôsobí celkom robustne. Zatiaľ som sa nestretol so žiadnymi problémami. Obzvlášť na mňa zapôsobila pozornosť venovaná detailom, ktorá bola pri navrhovaní tohto mlynčeka naruby! Bez problémov zomelie akékoľvek kávové zrná a vždy dosiahne bezchybnú veľkostnú konzistenciu. Čo je niečo, čo mi pomohlo výrazne zlepšiť kvalitu mojej kávy. Osobne si myslím, že kúpa tohto mlynčeka je veľmi dobrá investícia!

Stephane Currala
Skvelý produkt

Produkt je veľmi robustný a vyzerá skvele. Bol som milo prekvapený výsledkami s espressom. Mletie kávy je jemné a hladké. Ten istý ručný mlynček som odporučila už svokrovi.

Maurizio Melella
Pracuje efektívne a presne

Veľmi spokojný s týmto mlynčekom, láska ❤️ sklopné ručné koleso.
Tento mlynček určite odporúčam 🙌

Christoph Repinc
TIMEMORE Ručný mlynček na kávu Gaštan S3

aký skvelý mlynček.
super rýchly a jednotná veľkosť častíc.
nastavenie je perfektné a používam ho denne!
Mlynček Chestnut S3 môžem jednoznačne odporučiť!


Everything just clicks.

Built around our custom S2C890 burrs, Chestnut S3 is all about precision. From the lens-like external adjustment ring to our new drop-out burr system, Chestnut S3 brings new clarity and complexity to your coffee.

Flavor focused.

S3 brings TIMEMORE's first-ever external grind adjustment ring, allowing you to quickly dial in picture-perfect brews.

Groundbreaking refinements.

Not all grounds are created equal. We designed the S2C890 burr set to reduce fines in the 200-250 μm range, while increasing the proportion of fines in the 250-400 μm range, with a peak at around 375 μm.

These refinements significantly enhance cup quality, resulting in improved body and sweetness.


Hardened Stainless Steel

6-Axis CNC

Precision Manufacturing Process

58 HRC

Industry Standard Sharpness

Inside-out innovation.

S3 delivers major quality-of-life upgrades, including our first fully custom bearing system, cutting tolerances by 20% for enhanced grind consistency.

A feat of engineering, every Chestnut S3 leaves the factory with a burr gap of just 0.075 mm* — narrower than the width of a human hair.

Pull-to-Fold Handle

Easy to stow.

Silicone Base

Keeps things stable.

All Metal Construction

Built to last.

Brew it all.

The S3 isn't just an all-rounder; it's a master of versatility. From bold, smooth espresso with rich conical sweetness to flawlessly balanced pour-overs, S3 lets you enjoy your coffee like never before.

Espresso: 1-15 clicks
Moka: 5-20 clicks
Pourover: 50-80 clicks
French Press: 80-90 clicks


* The S3’s burr gap is precisely aligned to 0.075 mm at the finest grind setting (0 clicks) to account for manufacturing tolerances. Pressing down on the handle may cause the shaft to shift slightly, potentially causing minor burr rub.

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